Surf Travel Company


Nomad Surfers jest wyspecjalizowaną firmą, która z powodzeniem organizuje letnie obozy dla dzieci od 1995 roku. Podopieczni są nadzorowani 24 godziny na dobę. Wykwalifikowani instruktorzy z certyfikatami medycznymi oraz ratowniczymi. Opcjonalne kursy językowe. Międzynarodowe dzieci. Wyznaczone osoby dorosłe do obioru z lotniska.


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Obóz surfingowy dla młodzieży w Portugalii - letni obóz w Lizbonie - Nomad Surf Camp Lisbon, Costa da Caparica. Portugalia

Od 133 €/nocmaksymalnie 80 osoby - 35 Pokoje • REF. # 122914

Kids Surf Camp in Portugal - LISBON Overall rating: 4.8 out of 5 based on 63 reviews.

Witamy na naszym obozie surfingowym dla młodzieży w Portugalii
Nomad Surf Camps organizuje największy międzynarodowy obóz surfingowy dla młodzieży w Portugalii. The Nomad Surf Camp (Lisbon) znajduje się przy plaży Costa da Caparica i
mieści się zaledwie 100 metrów od plaży oraz 15 minut od międzynarodowego portu lotniczego w Lizbonie.
Jest to jedno z miejsc wypoczynkowych w centralnej Portugalii, które słynie ze swojego piękna i możliwości turystycznych.
Jest to wspaniałe położenie dla obozu surfingowego w pobliżu długiej piaszczystej plaży z łagodnymi beach breaks, które są idealne dla początkujących surferów. To idealne miejsce na naukę surfingu w ciągu lata. Od wielu lat gościmy młodzież w wieku 12 do 18 lat z Włoch, UK, Francji, Szwajcarii, Belgii, USA, Kanady, Rosji, Hiszpanii oraz innych krajów.

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Międzynarodowy obóz surfingowy dla młodzieży w Hiszpanii - Nomad Surf Camp Kantabria, Somo. Hiszpania

Od 160 €/nocmaksymalnie 80 osoby - 4 Pokoje • REF. # 485387

International Surf summer camp in Spain - CANTABRIA Overall rating: 5 out of 5 based on 8 reviews.

Jedyny międzynarodowy letni obóz surfingowy w Hiszpanii
Nomad organizuje letnie obozy dla młodzieży w Europie od 1995 roku.
Surfing jest nasza pasją, którą chcemy się z Tobą podzielić. Naszym celem jest zaoferowanie Tobie najlepszych wakacji z nauką surfingu, dobrą zabawą i poznawaniem nowych przyjaciół na całe życie z najprzeróżniejszych zakątków świata.
W Kantabrii mieścimy tygodniowo aż do 64 uczestników w wieku 13 do 17 lat.
Nowoczesny hostel, który zbudowany jest pod obozy surfingowe, z pieszą odległością od plaży, zawiera także rampę carver dla początkujących skateboarderów. Oprócz surfingiem interesujesz się także skateboardingiem? W takim razie ten obóz jest w sam raz dla Ciebie!
Prowadzimy jedyny międzynarodowy obóz surfingowy dla dzieci w Hiszpanii, w którym gościmy młodzież z Włoch, UK, Francji, Szwajcarii, Belgii, Rosji, USA, Kanady i wielu innych krajów. Wszystkie atrakcje są prowadzone w języku angielskim, jednakże oferujemy opcjonalną naukę języka hiszpańskiego oraz angielskiego.
Oferujemy także odbiór z dwóch głównych międzynarodowych portów lotniczych Santander oraz Bilbao.

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Surf Camp for Kids in Spain - Nomad Surf Camp GALICIA (Teens), La Coruna. Surf Camps in Spain

Od 119 €/nocmaksymalnie 30 osoby - 8 Pokoje • REF. # 489508

Nomad Surf Camp - Galicia - Teens - Learn Spanish and Surf Overall rating: 5 out of 5 based on 11 reviews.

Learn Spanish and Surf. Our beachfront surf camp in Spain for children offers Optional Spanish Language course and Horse Riding. Summer camp in one of the best surf spots in Spain and where the Spanish national surf championship. Lots of surfing and fun!!! Teenagers from Italy, UK, France, Switzerland, Belgium, USA, Canada, Spain, and many more other countries. The teenager guests are supervised 24 hours to guarantee their safety and well being. Leaving the camp unaccompanied with parents authorisation. Nomad Surf Camps since 1995.

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Nomad Surf Camp - Young Adults (18-21 Years Old) Caparica, LISBON. Surf Camps in Portugal

Od 118 €/nocmaksymalnie 64 osoby - 25 Pokoje • REF. # 503693

Nomad Surf Camp - YOUNG ADULTS - Lisbon - Erasmus - University Students Overall rating: 5 out of 5 based on 3 reviews.

Surf and Party! We organise a surf camp during the Sol da Caparica music festival. Two week Surf camp For Young Adults (ages 18 to 21) in Accommodation constructed in 2019, only 100 metres from the beach. It offers private or shared rooms and a beautiful swimming pool. Only 15 minutes from Lisbon Airport. Most international surf camp in Europe. We host Young adults, Erasmus and University Students from Russia, Italy, UK, France, Switzerland, Belgium, USA, Canada, Spain, and many more other countries.

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Międzynarodowy obóz surfingowy dla młodzieży we Francji - Nomad Surf Camp Hossegor, . Francja

Od 185 €/nocmaksymalnie 40 osoby - 13 Pokoje • REF. # 561089

Surf summer Camp in France for Teens- Nomad Surf Camps - Hossegor Overall rating: 5 out of 5 based on 10 reviews.

Letni obóz surfingowy dla młodzieży we Francji
Nasz letni obóz surfingowy dla młodzieży we Francji znajduje się 400 metrów od plaży Les Estagnots, Seignosse / Hossegor. Jest to niekończąca się biała plaża z idealnymi warunkami do surfingu - jak na przykład perfekcyjne beach breaks lub ciepła woda. Na obozach gościmy
młodzież w wieku 13 do 17 lat z USA, Polski, Norwegii, Włoch, UK, Francji, Szwajcarii, Belgii, Kanady, Hiszpanii i wielu innych krajów.
Ucz się francuskiego i angielskiego, surfuj i przeżywaj niezapomniane chwile tego lata, poznając nowych przyjaciół z innych części świata. Oczekuje Cię wyśmienite jedzenie oraz wspaniałe położenie, ale także opcjonalna nauka francuskiego z wykwalifikowanymi nauczycielami z najlepszej szkoły językowej w Hossegor. Oferujemy także odbiór z portów lotniczych Biarritz oraz Bordeaux.
Nomad organizuje letnie obozy surfingowe dla młodzieży w Europie od 1995 roku.

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Bilbao Teens Skate & Surf Camp Sopelana, Basque country. Surf Camps in Spain

Od 49 €/nocmaksymalnie 80 osoby - 9 Pokoje • REF. # 134925

Bilbao Teens Surf & Skate Camp Overall rating: 5 out of 5 based on 8 reviews.

Bilbao Teens Surf Camp offers the best outdoor sports combination for kids. The surf camp is located in Sopelana (25min away from downtown Bilbao, northern Spain) and offers a perfectly safe environment for the practice of surfing and skateboarding. Equipped with modern facilities such as a private skate park, a rock-climbing wall, an indoor swimming pool and more, for the best experience in a natural environment.

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Biarritz Teens Language & Surf Camp Biarritz, Basque Coast. France

Od 105 €/nocmaksymalnie osoby - Pokoje • REF. # 367302

Bma Biarritz Teens Camp Overall rating: 5 out of 5 based on 5 reviews.

Exciting French summer camps for teenagers offered by a language school! If you are looking for a summer camp in France with a difference, consider the program offered by Biarritz Teens Language & Adventures Camp. Our young learners’ courses offer the unique combination of French language courses in France for teenagers and exciting sporting and outdoor activities.

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Bilbao Surf House Sopelana, Basque Country. Surf Camps in Spain

Od 39,50 €/nocmaksymalnie 75 osoby - 23 Pokoje • REF. # 399956

Bilbao Eco Surf House Overall rating: 0 out of 5 based on 4 reviews.

Bilbao Surf House is located in the charming town of Sopelana right next to Sopelana Beach in the Basque Country. The facilities of the hostel are brand new and have everything you need to have the perfect surf trip as a couple, with your friends or alone. There you will have lots of fun learning how to surf and skate and doing many outdoor activities enjoying a great atmosphere. The surf school has very experienced instructors that will make your summer surf and skate camp experience an unforgettable one.

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French & Surf Teens Camps Biarritz, Basque Country. France

Od 45 €/nocmaksymalnie 58 osoby - Pokoje • REF. # 404848

Surf Camp France Teens Overall rating: 0 out of 5 based on 0 reviews.

Conveniently located in the center of Biarritz and near its beaches, our school offers personally adapted language courses in a traditional and friendly environment. We offer you a complete immersion in a family atmosphere where everyone can feel confident, comfortable and learn French through a varied program of activities, both academic and social. Study the language in the mornings and learn how to surf in the afternoons! Choose between home-stay accommodation with our host families, a youth hostel or a studio-apartment.

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North Spain Surf Camp Santoña, Cantabria. Hiszpania

Od 83 €/nocmaksymalnie 150 osoby - 75 Pokoje • REF. # 138599

North Spain Teens Surf Camp Overall rating: 4.8 out of 5 based on 26 reviews.

Surf lato Nomad Surfcamp dla dzieci i młodzieży. Hiszpania. Kursy języka angielskiego. Nadzór 24 godziny. Blisko Bilbao.Nomad Surfcamp - Północ Hiszpaniipowstał w 1998 roku w Santoña, nawschodnim wybrzeżu Kantabrii, między Bilbao i Santander. Jest to jedno z wielu turystycznych miejsc na północy Hiszpanii, znane ze swojego piękna i atrakcji turystycznych.

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Somo Teens Surf Camp Santander, Cantabria. Surf Camps in Spain

Od 97 €/nocmaksymalnie 75 osoby - 25 Pokoje • REF. # 21629

Somo teens Surf Camp Overall rating: 5 out of 5 based on 3 reviews.

Safe beach break in front of Santander Bay! Kids are under supervision 24/h day. Playa de Somo is a perfect surf break for all levels of surf course. The surf camp has accommodation only a few minutes from the surf school facilities and the beach. Choose among the 2 hours or 4 hours daily course. Surf Camps combine surfing with camping. A magical place where you will meet surfers from all over the world. The surf camps are focused on children between 10-17 years, and the fun is guaranteed. Our guests will make new friends and spend unforgettable moments full of action and strong emotions.

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IRLANDAZKA szkoła języka angielskiego, jeździecki, letni młodzieżowy obóz i Surf Camp Donegal, Bundoran. Irlandia

Od 107 €/nocmaksymalnie 40 osoby - 32 Pokoje • REF. # 36840

Ireland Kids summer camp, English language school & equestrian Overall rating: 4.8 out of 5 based on 8 reviews.

Z ponad 25 latami doświadczenia, obóz letni łączy kursy języka angielskiego dla młodzieży i dorosłych z zajęciami na świeżym powietrzu, takimi jak surfing i jazda konna. Doskonały sposób na naukę języka angielskiego na pięknym irlandzkim wybrzeżu.

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Galicia Beachfront Teens Surf Camp Razo Beach, La Coruña. Surf Camps in Spain

Od 39 €/nocmaksymalnie 86 osoby - 14 Pokoje • REF. # 155321

Galicia Beachfront Teens Surf Camp Overall rating: 5 out of 5 based on 7 reviews.

Galicia Teens Surf Camp organizes surf camps since 2004 at Razo Beach (A Coruña, Galicia). The surf camps take place at a surf hostel-hotel that also has a surf school. The facilities are in a 2200m² area that has plenty of space for lots of fun activities. In the backyard, you will find a mini ramp and a wood wave skate ramp. And the best thing is that the house is located on the beachfront only 50m away from the beach.

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Pantin Beach Teens Surf & Multi Adventures Camp Ferrol, Galicia. Surf Camps in Spain

Od 70 €/nocmaksymalnie 14 osoby - 3 Pokoje • REF. # 340196

Alawa Surf Teens Camp Overall rating: 5 out of 5 based on 2 reviews.

Take the opportunity to surf in Pantin, one of the best beaches in Europe with our teaching methods developed by the European surf champion Estitxu Estremo. In our camp you will have all amenities … the only thing you will worry about will be surfing, have fun and relax!

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Suances Teens Surf Camp Suances, Cantabria. Surf Camps in Spain

Od 61 €/nocmaksymalnie 15 osoby - 2 Pokoje • REF. # 346585

Bio Surf Camp Teens Overall rating: 5 out of 5 based on 3 reviews.

If you are looking for a different kind of summer camp, check us out. Suances Teens Surf Camp has intensive surf lessons and a whole range of beach, nature, and fun activities. A well-deserved vacation in the best place to discover a fantastic sport in a unique verdant and beach environment enabling you to recharge your batteries for the whole year.

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Playa Tamarindo Teens Language, Adventures & Surf Camp Nicoya Peninsula, Guanacaste. Costa Rica

Od 206 $/nocmaksymalnie 114 osoby - 54 Pokoje • REF. # 346742

ISLS Teens Overall rating: 5 out of 5 based on 5 reviews.

Beach campus located in the tropical dry forest, Playa Tamarindo is on the northern Pacific coast with long white sandy beaches and the most sunny days of the year. This section of Costa Rica is considered to be the Gold Coast because even during the heart of the rainy season, it still gets less rain than elsewhere else. Beach activities abound with snorkeling, scuba diving and surfing.

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Cantabria Teens Surf Camp Noja, Cantabria. Surf Camps in Spain

Od 83 €/nocmaksymalnie 40 osoby - 6 Pokoje • REF. # 366665

RIS SURF CAMP TEENS Overall rating: 5 out of 5 based on 4 reviews.

Come and live an unforgettable experience this summer in the Cantabria Teens Surf Camp. Learn to surf and enjoy the magic of this sport with us. We have the support of Active Tourism of the Autonomous Community of Cantabria and the Cantabrian Surfing Federation (FCS). We teach both beginners to advanced surfer on the best surf spot of Spain. You will spend incredible moments in such a natural setting.

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Santoña Teens Surf Camp Berria, Cantabria. Surf Camps in Spain

Od 39 €/nocmaksymalnie 75 osoby - 16 Pokoje • REF. # 380146

Watsay Overall rating: 0 out of 5 based on 0 reviews.

From June to August we organise summer surf camps for teens in our beachfront surf-hostel & surf school on the Berria Beach,in Cantabria, Spain. One of the best beaches in the north of Spain for surfing as for beginners so for intermediate surfers. Our certified instructors will supervise teens 24 hrs a day, so parents don´t need to worry. The surf camp is held in Spanish and is a perfect way to improve your language skills in a fun way. It is much more than a surf camp, we offer a lot of parallel activities so that our young guests can make memories that will last a lifetime.

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Playa de Santa Marina Teens Beachfront Surf Camp Ribadesella, Asturias. Surf Camps in Spain

Od 84 €/nocmaksymalnie 18 osoby - 4 Pokoje • REF. # 382265

Playa de Santa Marina Teens Beachfront Surf Camp Overall rating: 5 out of 5 based on 2 reviews.

There is no better way for your grom to spend summer than being salty on Spain’s beautiful northern beaches. The Playa de Santa Marina Teens surf camp is where your kids can meet new friends and bond over the magic of surf. Our qualified instructors not only offer surf lessons - but education on tides, conditions, weather, surf forecasts, and any dangers. The kids will enjoy a whole range of activities stand up paddle boarding, longboarding, skating, soccer and beach volleyball.

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Nomad Surf Camp - Young Adults (18-21 years old) ALGARVE, Faro. Surf Camps in Portugal

Od 105 €/nocmaksymalnie 40 osoby - 9 Pokoje • REF. # 406965

Nomad Surf Camp - Young Adults 18 - 21 years old, Algarve, Portugal Overall rating: 5 out of 5 based on 3 reviews.

The best waves in Europe during summer! Our Nomad Surf Camp Algarve for Young Adults is exclusively for a person ranging in age from their late teens or early twenties, 18 to 21 years old. Dates available first week of August, 7 unforgettable days in the beautiful National Park in the Algarve, surrounded by nature, freedom, advanced surf coaching program , and lots of fun. You can choose between sleeping in comfortable double, triple or shared rooms with common or private bathrooms.

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Praia de Santa Cruz Adventure and Surf Teens Camp Praia da Fisica, Siliveira. Surf Camps in Portugal

Od €/nocmaksymalnie osoby - Pokoje • REF. # 408429

Village Camps Portugal Overall rating: 5 out of 5 based on 3 reviews.

Activity and Surf Camp Santa Cruz is located in a picturesque coastal area West of Portugal. We offer Camps for kids from 10-17 years old. In a fun and safe setting kids have unique opportunity to expand their skill base, social skills, make new friendships and improve their language skills. We offer Surf camp with surf lessons from Monday to Friday just 15 minutes walk from our Camp. Kids in our Camp can enjoy interesting excursions as well as versatile evening programme.

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Lato Nastolatek Nomad Surf Camp Vale Figueiras, Algarve. Portugalia

Od 160 €/nocmaksymalnie 40 osoby - 9 Pokoje • REF. # 5908

Surf Summer camp in Portugal - ALGARVE Overall rating: 4.9 out of 5 based on 53 reviews.

Na tygodniowym obozie gościmy maksymalnie 40 chłopców i dziewcząt w wieku od 12 do 17 lat. Zapewniamy zakwaterowane w wygodnym Domu surfingowym Vale Figueiras, położonym blisko plaży Vale Figueiras, 5 minut od Carrapateira i 20 minut na północ od Sagres.

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Biarritiz Teens Language & Adventures Camp Les Landes, Basque coast. France

Od 145 €/nocmaksymalnie 60 osoby - 30 Pokoje • REF. # 350940

France Langue Teens Biarritz Overall rating: 5 out of 5 based on 3 reviews.

Language and Adventure Camp Biarritz is located in the city centre, 5 minutes’ walk from markets, restaurants, cafés and boutiques in the lively Halles district and only 10 minutes from the world-famous surf spot at the Côte des Basques beach. Active learning methodology and immersion in France allows a fast and natural learning experience. Besides obtaining valuable language skills you will also get new international friends and unforgettable summer memories!

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Salinas Teens Surf Camp Principe de Asturias, Asturias. Surf Camps in Spain

Od 25 €/nocmaksymalnie 40 osoby - 11 Pokoje • REF. # 380605

Alamar Salinas Teens Overall rating: 5 out of 5 based on 2 reviews.

Salinas Teens Surf Camp has a privileged location, situated a few meters from the beach and also the center of town. Our experienced and qualified instructors will make sure everything runs smoothly and safely. The main activity of the camp is Surf, but there are also all kinds of different activities like volleyball, tennis or longskating that you can practice. The accommodation has shared rooms organized by gender and age. The food is home-made, the menus will be balanced and nutritional, with dishes that they enjoy.

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