Surf Travel Company

Surfing in Cantabria

Cantabria is located just west of the Basque Country in the Atlantic Coast of Spain and has lots of good waves to be explored. Most of the surf spots in Cantabria are beach breaks with good exposure that can work at any time of the year like Playa de Berria e Playa de Somo but there is also the big wave venue of Santa Marina that consist of a reef break that can handle up to 15ft waves. Cantabria is definitely one of the prime surfing areas in the country and won’t disappoint you if you are planning a trip to this part of Spain.


Best surf spots in Cantabria

The best surf spots are Playa de Berria, Playa de Somo, Santander, El Brusco, Laredo, Playa de Cuarezo, Liecres, Playa de Noja and Playa San Julian.


Check surf pictures of Cantabria at #surfcantabria.

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