FOR TÅRINGER I PORTUGAL - NOMAD Surf Camp - Costa Caparica, Lisbon. Portugal
Surfcamp for tenåringer i Portugal
Nomad Surf Camps arrangerer sannsynligvis den mest multinasjonale surfeleiren for tenåringer i Europa. The Nomad Surf Camp (Lisboa) ligger i Costa Caparica Beach,
Vi flyttet operasjonen vår bare 100 meter fra stranden og bare 15 minutter fra Lisboa internasjonale lufthavn. Det er en av mange feriesteder i sentrale Portugal som er kjent for sin skjønnhet og turistmuligheter.
En privilegert beliggenhet for en tenåringsleir nær en veldig lang sandstrand med myke strandferier perfekt for nybegynnere. Det er et idyllisk sted for å trene og spesielt lære å surfe om sommeren. Vår sommerleir har vært vertskap for tenåringer i alderen 12-18 år fra Russland, Italia, Storbritannia, Frankrike, Sveits, Belgia, USA, Canada, Spania og andre land gjennom årene.
Alle aktiviteter gjøres på engelsk, men personalet hjelper også på portugisisk, spansk og fransk ved behov. Overnatting i delt rom organisert etter kjønn og alder eller fullt privatliv i tomannsrom. Store delte bad med separate dusjer på et vandrerhjem som har svømmebasseng, stort grøntområde, chill WiFi-område, bordtennisbord, TV og spiserom.
Det er også en utfluktsdag hver 7. dagers leir for byturen, paintball eller annen ekstra aktivitet gruppen bestemmer seg for.
Andre Nomad Surf Camps beste valg! Du vil aldri glemme denne opplevelsen!
Velkommen til den beste surfeleiren for tenåringer i Portugal
Nomad Surf Camps har flyttet sin virksomhet i Lisboa til en nybygd bygning på stranden, så nå kan våre campere gå 100 meter til stranden for surfetimer.
Tenåringene er overvåket av personalet vårt 24 timer med medisinsk hjelp (førstehjelp). Surfcamp-inngangen er stengt om natten og vi har en sikkerhetsvakt på leiren.
Hver pakke inkluderer måltider, delt overnatting (eller fullt privatliv i tomannsrom også tilgjengelig), daglige surfetimer selvfølgelig, retten til å nyte alle fasilitetene som er inkludert i surfeleiren (svømmebasseng, surfeskaterampe, spillrom, gratis wifi osv.). Det er rom for 4, 6 og 8 personer, og vi vil tildele alle for å prøve å matche barn av samme kjønn og lignende alder på samme rom i henhold til bestillingene den uken. Alle leirene våre er blandede, selv om soveromsfordelingen er etter kjønn og alder (12-18 år).
Vi oppfordrer foreldrene til å gi noen lommepenger til salgsautomat tilgjengelig på overnattingsstedet, supermarkedet, lunsj og middag på utfluktsdagen, iskrem, suvenirer, drinker eller ekstra aktiviteter som ikke er inkludert som paintball osv. De vil også trenge penger til første dag da de kun vil ha middag inkludert og siste dag når de bare har frokost inkludert.
Ingen vil bli sulten!!
På vår surfecamp for tenåringer i Lisboa består den sterke frokosten av frukt, appelsinjuice, croissanter, toasts, grovt brød, syltetøy, honning, melk, kaffe, sjokolademelk, skinke, ost, müsli og cornflakes.
Lunsj serveres på en restaurant foran stranden med alt tenåringene fortjener: forrett, hovedrett, dessert, vann og juice. Etter surfe-snacks mellom den andre surfeøkten og ettermiddagsaktivitetene består av smørbrød, frukt og juice.
Middagene er varierte og inkluderer all nødvendig ernæring for tenåringer i denne alderen. En forrett eller suppe, hovedrett og dessert. Juice og vann er også inkludert. Vi tar også hensyn til cøliakere eller vegetariske tenåringer. Et fullt utstyrt kjøkken er også tilgjengelig.
For foreldre
Nomad Surfers har viet mange år til praktisering og undervisning av surfing som kvalifiserte instruktører, og vi organiserte vår første Surf Camp for barn i Portugal i 1998 med stor entusiasme, og spesialiserte oss på mindreårige. Vi vet hvilket ansvar dette innebærer, det er grunnen til at guttene og jentene på sommerleiren vår i Lisboa vil bli kontrollert til enhver tid, i surfetimene, ekstra aktiviteter av monitorene våre, og vil alltid være ledsaget av lærere, surfing, sport og rekreasjon med maksimal sikkerhet for dem.
Tenåringene våre vil leve med skjermer med erfaring fra sportsaktiviteter og utendørsspill. De vil være ansvarlige for å sjekke at tenåringene følger reglene for surfeleiren og lager ekstra aktiviteter om kveldene. For deg, foreldre som alltid er opptatt av sikkerheten til barna sine. Barna dine overvåkes 24 timer i døgnet av kvalifiserte instruktører med et system med interne regler som må følges.
GREEEN PASS - Unaccompanied Free Time
Frihet til å gå ut av surfeleiren på egen fritid uten følge er også tillatt kun med foreldres tillatelse. Regler gjelder. Vennligst kontakt oss for mer informasjon.
More videos
Aktivitetene vi tilbyr på surfeleiren vår for barn i Portugal
Leirene varer i 7 dager, selv om de fleste campere blir 2 eller 3 uker. Ankomstdagen er det surfing på kvelden, The Surf Center ligger 1 minutts gange fra overnattingsstedet. Alle aktivitetene foregår på engelsk.
Surfetimer i Lisboa
Hver dag er det surfing, stort sett 2 surfetimer per dag, hvor lenge avhenger av forholdene, målet vårt er å ha minst 4 timer surfetimer per dag. De andre aktivitetene er fokusert på å forbedre dine egenskaper for sport, forbedre kondisjonen din og fremfor alt å ha det gøy og leve Lisboa Tenårings Surf Camp, den beste opplevelsen i livet ditt!
Alt materiell er inkludert, vi har et forhold på kun 6 tenåringer per instruktør!!
Surf leksjonsnivåer
✔ Evaluering av hver person for å vite på hvilket nivå han eller hun har og hvilke punkter det skal jobbes med.
✔ Introduksjon til bølger uten surfebrett
✔ Introduksjon med surfebrettet alltid liggende.
✔ Øv på balanse og timing
✔ Padling
✔ Øvelser for å komme opp på brettet i og ut av vannet.
✔ Stå opp og balansere posisjon.
✔ Vektøvelser endres fra fremre ben til bakre ben
✔ Sitter i styret
✔ Går på brettet
✔ Lær å svinge til venstre og lære å svinge til høyre.
✔ Evaluering av hver person for å vite på hvilket nivå han eller hun har og hvilke punkter det skal jobbes med.
✔ Snuretning mens du sitter
✔ Eksplosiv padling
✔ Padle til utsiden
✔ Teknikker for å passere bølgene mens du padler ut (eskimorull, etc)
✔ Å fange grønne bølger ved hjelp av treneren som presser
✔ Timing og lesing av bølger for å vite i hvilken retning du skal padle og når du skal reise deg
✔ Surfegrønne bølger går til venstre, surfegrønne bølger går til høyre.
✔ Teori (prioriterte regler, sikkerhetsprosedyrer, strømmer og tidevann)
✔ Videoanalyse.
✔ Øvelser på Streetboardz. Skateboard med fronttrucker som beveger seg sideveis og spesialdesignet for å trene rail-to-rail-surfing.
Andre mulige aktiviteter
Her er listen over andre mulige aktiviteter. Det betyr ikke at du vil gjøre dem alle. Og noen vil være valgfrie og ekstra kostnader som betales ved ankomst.
✔ Paintball: Kun 30 meter fra surfecampen. (ikke inkludert i prisen).
✔ Trehinderkretser: Hindringskretser med forskjellige vanskelighetsgrader (helt sikret med sele).
✔ utflukt til Lisboa by. Krysser elven med ferge, spiser Pastel de Belem og tog til Bairro Alto.
✔ Utflukt til Lisboas akvarium
✔ Sprett
✔ Akvarium
✔ Kitesurf (minimumsalder 14 og minst 45 kg)
✔ Stand Up Padle på vakker lagune
✔ Kajakk: Kajakktur i havet eller innsjøen.
✔ Ridning
✔ Sykkelturer
✔ Karting
✔ Hipotrip: Tur gjennom Tejo-elven ombord i et amfibiekjøretøy.
✔ Seilbåtutflukt
✔ Kjøpesenter
✔ Funksjonell trening for surfing: Ytterligere fysiske øvelser for å forbedre din utholdenhet, balanse, koordinasjon, timing, fysisk tilstand og åpenbart surfingen din.
✔ Stretching: Spesifikke og grunnleggende strekkøvelser for å hjelpe deg med å utføre radikale surfemanøvrer og grunnleggende og unngå skader.
✔ Surf Skate: Vi vil lære deg å skjære rail til rail på våre surf-skateboards, som er skateboards med en frontlastebil som beveger seg sidelengs for å simulere svingene til et surfebrett eller snowboard. Vi har en surfe skaterampe ved surfecampen.
✔ Grøntområde for ulike spill: Det er et enormt vakkert grøntområde å spille 25 meter fra leiren
✔ Beachvolleyball
✔ Fotball på stranden
✔ Dodgeball
✔ Frisbee
✔ Filmkvelder
✔ Besøk surfebrettfabrikk: Vi besøker en lokal surfefabrikk.
✔ Fester: Ikke alt blir trening…! Vi gjør grilling, DJ og kveldsjam-sessioner. Ta med instrumentene dine.
En typisk dag på surfeleiren for tenåringer i Lisboa
9.00 Frokost
10.00 til 17.00 strandtid (2 surfetimer, lunsj, ekstra aktiviteter)
17.00 til 20.00 Gå tilbake til leiren, dusj, fritid
20.00 Middag
21.00 til 23.00 Kveldsaktiviteter
23.00 Stilletid
DAG 1 – Velkomstmøte og video
DAG 2 – Videokorreksjon & Pop Corn Night
DAG 3 – Bytur Costa da Caparica (fornøyelsespark)
DAG 4 – Pizzakveld
DAG 5 – Lisboa-tur (måltider og aktiviteter er ikke inkludert)
DAG 6 – Skate/sykkelkveld
DAG 7 – Avskjedsfest
*Tidsplanen kan endres i henhold til tenåringenes interesser og værforhold.
Our YouTube VIDEO Vlogs
Susbscribe to our YouTube channel and get notified when we upload a new video. Here you can see the day to day real life at our surf camps.
Hvor er barnas surfeleir i Portugal?
Vår Nomad Surf Camp for tenåringer i Portugal ligger på Costa da Caparica-kysten, kun 20 minutter fra Lisboa sentrum og Lisboa internasjonale lufthavn. Med en utvidelse på 13 km med sandstrender omgitt av naturreservatene Costa da Caparica Fossil Cliff og Mêdos National Woods.
Almada har også historiske sentre og utallige steder som er verdt å besøke, for eksempel Zagallos Manor House, i Sobreda eller Contemporary Art Centre i Casa da Cerca, i Old Almada, blant mange andre forslag.
Surf Camp ligger kun 1 min gange til stranden, restauranter, bakeri og supermarkeder.
Hitta hit
Du trenger ikke å bekymre deg for å komme deg til Lisboa Teens Surf Camp. Vi vil utpeke personell for henting og avlevering i Lisboa-området. Du trenger bare å gi oss informasjon om tidsplanen for ankomst og avreise, så organiserer vi transporten på Lisboa internasjonale flyplass, tog eller busstasjon.
Barnet ditt vil ofte være et av mange barn som kommer til flyplassen eller togstasjonen for å bli eskortert til leiren. Selv om våre representanter alltid vil prøve å sørge for videretransport til leiren med et minimum av forsinkelser, bør det forstås at barnet ditt kan bli pålagt å vente på flyplassen eller togstasjonen i opptil to timer før han/hun starter den videre reisen , på grunn av flyforsinkelser som påvirker andre barn og/eller vanskelige trafikkforhold.
Ved ankomst til destinasjonsflyplassen eller togstasjonen, bør barnet ditt se etter en Camps-representant, som vil vise et Camps-skilt. Flyplasser og togstasjoner kan være ganske overfylte og hektiske, du bør instruere barnet ditt til å vente ved flyplassens eller togstasjonens informasjonsskranke dersom han/hun ikke finner vår representant ved ankomst.
Med fly
Det er mange flyselskaper som opererer på Lisboa Portela lufthavn, som tilbyr både business class og lavprisflyvninger til turister over hele verden. Rundt 40 flyselskaper, hvorav de mest bemerkelsesverdige er Turkish Airlines, Lufthansa, Finnair, Easy Jet, Air France, Blue Air, British Airways og Brussels Airlines.
Disse selskapene sikrer forbindelsen mellom Lisboa (og, i forlengelse, Portugal) og praktisk talt alle verdenshjørner, og knytter hovedstaden til destinasjoner som Amsterdam og Paris, Madrid og Roma, London og Moskva, Kanariøyene, Bucuresti, Philadelphia, Tunis , Tel Aviv, Kairo og så videre.
Hvis du ønsker mindre eskorteservice, sørg for at du organiserer det med flyselskapet før du kjøper billetten. Du må oppgi vår leders dokument og kontaktnummer.
Med tog
Når det gjelder jernbanetransport, betjenes Lisboas turist- og kommersielle plattform av fire hovedtogstasjoner: Santa Apolonia (Estacao da Santa Apolonia), den såkalte Rossio (Estacao do Rossio), Barreiro (Estacao do Barreiro) og Cais do Sodre (Estacao do Cais do Sodre).
Santa Apolonia jernbanestasjon (Estacao da Santa Apolonia) er den største av alle, og ligger i nærheten av Alfama-distriktet. Det er hovedterminalen for tog som sikrer forbindelsen mellom Lisboa og Nord- og Øst-Portugal, samt mellom Lisboa og internasjonale destinasjoner som Madrid og Paris.
Med buss
Rede Nacional Expressos
Når det gjelder bussforbindelser, er Lisboa ganske godt knyttet til praktisk talt hele Portugal ved hjelp av busslinjene som er gjort tilgjengelig av de såkalte Rede Nacional de Expressos. Hovedbusstasjonen i Lisboa, i det minste når det gjelder innenlands bussturer, er Rodoviaria da Sete Rios (Sete Rios busstasjon).
Kids Surf Camp 1 | 22 – 29 June | 7 nights | 935 EUR |
Kids Surf Camp 2 | 29 June – 6 July | 7 Nights | 1100 EUR |
Kids Surf Camp 3 | 6 – 13 July | 7 Nights | 1100 EUR |
Kids Surf Camp 4 | 13 – 20 July | 7 Nights | 1100 EUR |
Kids Surf Camp 5 | 20 – 27 July | 7 Nights | 1100 EUR |
Kids Surf Camp 6 | 27 July – 3 August | 7 Nights | 1100 EUR |
Kids Surf Camp 7 | 3 – 10 August | 7 Nights | 935 EUR |
Book early !!! Limited availability !!!
*The average stay is 2 weeks
*Gjennomsnittlig opphold er 2 uker
Pakker inkluderer
✔ 7 netters overnatting 1 min gange til stranden
✔ Delt bad adskilt etter kjønn
✔ helpensjon: frokost, lunsj, ettermiddagssnack (smørbrød + drikke), middag.
✔ 6 dagers surfetimer (For det meste 2 surfeøkter. 4 timer per dag, avhengig av værforhold)
✔ En til en videokorreksjon
✔ Gratis surf tilgjengelig for middels og avanserte surfere
✔ Alt surfeutstyr inkludert
✔ Stort utvalg av surfebrett
✔ Strekk- og oppvarmingsøkter
✔ Lisboa byutflukt
✔ Andre aktiviteter som surfebrettfabrikasjonsverksted, surfefabrikk-omvisning, ballspill, bassengfest, strandfest, transport i fornøyelsespark, filmkveld, videokorreksjonskveld, solnedgangsturer, skate-kveld, pizzakveld, etc.
✔ Wi-Fi
✔ Lukket dør om natten, 24-timers vakthold, 24-timers sikkerhetskameraer
✔ Goody Bag
Private tomannsrom
Hvis du ønsker å oppgradere til et tomannsrom med to separate senger.
140 EUR per person per uke.
Reservasjon av begge gjester må gjøres i samme bestilling.
Private enkeltrom
Hvis du ønsker å oppgradere til et tomannsrom med to separate senger.
350 EUR per person per uke.
Engelsk språkkurs
5 dager med engelskkurs 150 EUR. Klassene varer kun 1 time. Målet er at barn lærer minst en håndfull få viktige fraser med ord per dag.
✔ Diettbegrensning: 70 EUR per person per leir
✔ Lisboa flyplasstransport: Transfer fra/til Lisboa flyplass, buss- eller togstasjon: 40 EUR per person per vei
✔ Kite Surf Pack: 4 dager 440 EUR per person (inkluderer transport + 4 timer med kitesurftimer)
✔ Lisboa-utflukt: Det kommer an på, vi anbefaler lommepenger rundt 50 EUR per person (én aktivitet, lunsj og middag)
Inn- og utsjekkingstid
Surfeleiren vår for barn i Lisboa starter på ettermiddagen. Innsjekking etter kl. 16.00
På utsjekkingsdagen, avgangene om morgenen etter frokost, selv om vi kan slippe av på et senere tidspunkt om nødvendig.
Viktig informasjon
Ankomstdagen inkluderer kun middag. Ved tidligere ankomst, vennligst ta med ekstra lommepenger for måltider.
Avreisedagen inkluderer kun frokost, ved sen avreise, vennligst ta med ekstra lommepenger for måltider.
Thank You for a great time that Ryszrd Had at the Camp.Was exellent!
"Hello , Thank You for a great time that Ryszrd Had at the Camp.Was exellent! ps Thank You .Marta Hermanowicz"
- .Marta Hermanowicz
"Hello, Thank you for sending us this email. The experience for my son was fantastic and he really enjoyed the camp a lot, learning surf and also spending his free time with other teenagers was very positive. Francisco also mentioned that the food was very good. In addition to this, I would like to share that the response from the persons in charge was very good when I contacted them through whatsapp with inquiries and demanding assistance, for instance, on the last day at the airport the lady was of great support and accompanied my son to the check in as I requested, as it was the first time alone at the airport for my son. Kind regards, Lucia Garzaron "
- Lucia Garzaron
Arthur Loved his stay with you
"A warm thank you for everything ! Arthur Loved his stay with you. Kind regards, Nathalie"
- Nathalie Boy de la Tour
He enjoyed it so much that he only thinks about joining a new surf camp at Nomad
"Hello all, My son Tristan just came back from his Nomad surf camp in Portugal. He enjoyed it so much that he only thinks about joining a new surf camp at Nomad. Would it be possible to book a surf camp in the Canary islands or in Madeira? Tristan is available from August 2nd to August 15th. I would highly appreciate if you could suggest me a last minute surf camp of one week within this time span in the given area. I’m looking forward to your feedback, and thank you in advance. Best Regards"
- Judith Kohl-Loris
enjoyed surf and all the aspects and organization
"Thank you so much. Eleonora had a great time and she is very grateful for all the effort and dedication offered. She really felt well and enjoyed surf and all the aspects and organization. Thanks again. Ada de Marsanich "
- Ada de Marsanich
Uma enjoyed her stay
"Dear Nomad Surf Team Uma enjoyed her stay at Nomad Surfcamp very much and came back safely. Thanks for your answer and have a good day. Conny"
- Conny
Clarisse and Chloe Makshana were very happy
"Dear all, Thank you for the camp, my daughters Clarisse and Chloe Makshana were very happy. Best regards, Have a lovely day, Caroline Mouton "
- Clarisse and Chloe Makshana
Ludovico and Carlo really appriciated the experience
"My son Ludovico and Carlo really appriciated the experience It was really great! "
- Federico Barral
I really enjoyed my time at the camp and made lots of friends.
"Hi Nomad Surf Camps, I recently got home from Caparica, Portugal. I really enjoyed my time at the camp and made lots of friends. We all enjoyed the camp so much that we are trying to arrange to go back next year. However, next year I will have turned 18 and as it’s an under 18’s camp I’m unsure as to whether I’ll be able to go. However, if I attended an over 18 camp I believe I would feel uncomfortable as the majority of people there would be adults and I will only be 18. As well as this I noticed that at the under 18’s surf camp I went to there were a couple of 18 year olds. One of the biggest reasons I would want to go back next year is to see the friends I made this year and I would not be able to do that if I went to the over 18’s camp. I really want to see my friends again and want to attend the under 18’s Caparica surf camp next year. Would this be allowed even though I will be 18? Many thanks, Archie"
- Archie
Max has really enjoyed the camp and almost all activities proposed.
"Hello, Max has really enjoyed the camp and almost all activities proposed. He also pointed out the quality of your staff, especially camp leader Mario. He thinks about returning next year. Are there many other 17 year old teens (he will be reaching that age then) at your camp in Costa da Caparica? Best regards, François "
- François
ringraziando per la bella e costruttiva esperienza,
"buongiorno ringraziando per la bella e costruttiva esperienza, grazie cordiali saluti Letizia"
- Letizia
Carlota arrived home very happy.
"Hello Nomad surf team, Carlota arrived home very happy. She enjoyed her time at your camp very much. Thank you so much. Best regards, Mar"
- Mar Blay
Radomir is very pleased with the camp.
"Thank you so much ☀️ Radomir is very pleased with the camp. See you soon!"
- Elena
Sabine is just arriving home after a fabulous 2 weeks
"Dear all, Sabine is just arriving home after a fabulous 2 weeks. Best wishes Barry van Driel father Sabine van Driel"
- Barry van Driel
My children was very happy
"Hello My children was very happy . This week of surf has been very fun and instructive for him. Thanks a lot . Regards Céline Pires Marques "
- Céline Pires Marques
...had a wonderful time and is already talking about next year
"Hi all, thanks so much for an excellent surf camp; sabine had a wonderful time and is already talking about next year. Thanks very much! Fiona"
- Fiona Passantino
my son had a great stay in Portugal !!
"Hi, my son had a great stay in Portugal !! HeMy son Arthur Ayrignac, gorgot his shoes at camp last week. He was in Costa de Caparica, room 203. Ca you send them to me by post, and I'll make a transfer to cover the ost. Thank Lavau Christel"
- Lavau Christel
So much fun and unforgettable experience
"Hi, my name is Juliette. I’m from Belgium and I’m 16 years old. I went to costa de Caparica with nomad surf for 2 weeks. I had the most fun there. The people who work there are so nice, funny and caring. They really want you to have the best surf camp ever and they will do everything they can to make that happen. The surf teachers as well. They truly want you to improve and the video correction is really helpful. The accommodation is so nice. The bedrooms are great and clean. I believe that every teen has to do a nomad surf once in his live. It is truly something that you don’t want to miss and the experience is unforgettable. Don’t be scared just go and have fun."
- Juliette
Nice beach location
"I very much enjoyed the camp and I think it was a great experience. The people were very nice and I made many new friends. Accommodation was great, I really loved my room and it was more than enough space. Also being right next to the beach was very nice. Surf instructors tried their best to help us which I appreciate. Thank you"
- Marta
Perfect place for learning to surf!
"Nomad surf camp for teens was such amazing experience. Beautiful place and surf conditions were perfect to learn surfing. Food and accommodation was very good. Surf trainers were very pleasant and helpful. The camp staff took care of us and they provided good atmosphere. Thank you"
- Magdalena
Great as every year!
"Our son and daughter attended Nomad Surfers camp couple years in row and every year they loved it! They are coming next year again :) Thank you Nomad Surfers for taking care of us!"
- Marie
Great summer camp!
"Our son was super happy about the camp! Definitely coming next year! :) See you there again!"
- Max
Perfect location and nice accommodation
"It is very professional camp. Surf lessons were fun and helped a lot to improve my daughter's skills. The camp has great international ambience and perfect accommodation spot. Thank you Nomad Surfers "
- Eva
Perfect location and nice accommodation
"Our son had the time of his life and wants to come back next summer! The location of the camp is super nice and accommodation was very comfortable. Romeo was very happy with the surf coach Mario. He taught kids a lot! See you next year!"
- Marjolijn
Fun experience
"Our daughter had very fun, great experience. It was good arrangement for us as a family (safe etc.). We sent her off by herself, during Covid, from Denmark. It was the first time she was on holiday by herself. Breakfasts were delicious. Camp has great location with good access to the beach. Surf Coaching was really great. She learnt a lot and now she loves surfing, wants to do it again next year. Camp has good program and it is well organized. Thank you"
- Lorenz
Excellent surf coaching for kids
"Our children loved summer surf camp in Lisbon. Great surf lessons and activities. Thank you"
- Annemarie
Great time!
"All of our kids had great time at this camp. Definitely recommended. 10/10 Thank you"
- Mateusz
Thank you so much for putting together an amazing camp
"Hi Jose, I hope you are doing well. Thank you so much for putting together an amazing camp . My son Samuel had a fantastic time! He is already asking to go back next year :)"
- Natalia
The best experience of my life
"It was the best experience of my life. I loved every moment of it and I am looking forward to go back next summer! The camp was so nice! All the kids were and also the monitors. Good food and beautiful location! Very comfortable beds in our rooms. I don't remember when I slept that good in a camp haha. With surf coach Mario I learned a lot and really fast. It was so much fun! Other activities were so much fun and creative. My favourite was the sunset watching :)"
- Victoria
The best experience of my life
"It was the best experience of my life. I loved every moment of it and I am looking forward to go back next summer! The camp was so nice! All the kids were and also the monitors. Good food and beautiful location! Very comfortable beds in our rooms. I don't remember when I slept that good in a camp haha. With surf coach Mario I learned a lot and really fast. It was so much fun! Other activities were so much fun and creative. My favourite was the sunset watching :)"
- Victoria
Thank you for your help and the Nomad team for organising fantastic Camps for the Young people.
"Thank you for your help and the Nomad team for organising fantastic Camps for the Young people. "
- Anja
Amazing Time
"Olviia just got back from Portugal. She had an amazing time, everything was very positive. Thank you to your team and organisation. Thank you, Best wishes"
- Ellen
Thanks for the great experience
"Comments in general: Although there were only a 7 kids, Sebastian enjoyed meeting them and made great connections. Food: Sebastian did not like the food too much. He felt there wasn’t much variety and was bland. Accommodation: VERY NICE Surf Coaching: EXCELLENT – Sebastian really liked Mario. Other Activities: Sebastian enjoyed the extra activities, especially the biking to Lisbon and skateboarding. He was never board."
- Claudia Kittredge
"Guillermo was really happy with the surf camp and he would like to repeat in coming years. Although the number of participants was not high due to covid 19, he was happy to know other people from France and Belgium and he got main goals of the camp, to talk and practice English, to know some other people, to get more autonomy and to know other beautiful place like Lisboa. Food: Breakfast was the best meal, dinner was quite ok and it was a little bit repetitive food during lunch. Accommodation: Very clean premises, toilets were very clean as well. Very convenient and confortable hotel. Surf Coaching: Very happy with both. Other Activities: Happy as well with other activities such as the trip to Lisboa, night events, skates, bicycle. Best regards, "
- Raul
Everything was perfect!!
"Joel came back home all happy and excited. When I asked him whether he saw some room for improvement, he just said everything was perfect. "
- Jan
You definitely reached my expectations
"I had a great time these 10 days and I would love to come back next year. You definitely reached my expectations and to be honest despite the waves I don’t think it could be better. More specifically you took good care of me regarding my gluten free diet and I was amazed by the clean and modern accommodation which gave me the nice feeling of a hotel. Moreover, I think we had amazing surf coaches who in the end became good friends of ours and the other activities that took place made us see and explore the beautiful town of costa de Caparica. Finally I wanted to say that the freedom we had been given played a big role to the fun we had. Overall this summer camp experience was outstanding and I am really looking forward into coming back!"
- Emilios Antonatos
One word Amazing
"One word: Amazing"
Great experience
"Chiara really enjoyed her experience. Highlight to the surf school where she really learned a lot more comparing to other camps as they have smaller groups for the lessons."
- Elodie Bonelli
Thank you
"I just want to thank you for a great vacation for my daughter."
- Natalya
I will be back next summer
"The irst 10 days I was in room 26 which has a window to hallway so there was no air but after in room 6 it was really good and overall the Surf Camp is super nice! The facilities at the camp are good, different choices, wasn’t boring!. The Surf School is really good! Love the coaches, specially Lucas, Vanja and Mario! They teach really good and I improved fast. Breakfast, Lunch and dinner were good, I was never hungry in this camp! Highly recommend!!"
- Elisabeth Mägi
An overall AWESOME would do it again.
"Before I give you our feedback we want to convey, despite some of the inconveniences, how happy our kids are and how many cherished memories they already have from the camp experience and everyone that participated, not to forget the people that led and guided them, we truly thank you for jeeping them safe and happy. Room size was a bit small for the amount of people sharing, the blankets and linens acceptable. Kids feedback was good they said the place was clean and had wheat they needed, comfortable and plenty space for hanging out. At Surf School everything was good except for toilets/ showers need improvement . All of the instructores where highly praised and awesome. They enjoyed the food had variety for all, overall bery good; Awesome staff, super friendly and helpful. Lisbon Teens Surf Camp an overall AWESOME would do it again. Kinds regards, Narda Rujana and Osama Al Rasheed Parents of Yousef and Anisa Al Rasheed"
- Narda Rujana
Great time
"Many thanks for the perfect organisation Thais! My daughter came back from the surf camp very happy. She had great time and learned to surf, we are really gratefull for this experience. Maximum number of points to all of the areas that you asked about. All the best,"
- Vik
Surf camp in July 2018
"Jasmine and Aurélie were the first time at your camp and they told me that is was absolutely the best one!
thanks a lot for everything and they will come back in July 2019.
"Tata is the best!!!"
- Ida sadalska
The Best Camp
"The best camp ever i am definitely coming back next year."
- Lieve scheij
Super camp!
"Super camp!! Tata est super sympa et attentive et Mario the best surf teacher ever!!!
On se dit à l’année prochaine? ;)
( juste si la nourriture pouvait être meilleure ...mais chest un détail )"- Krystell
Unforgettable Experience
"This was an unforgettable experience! I met such good people and I enjoyed every single day of the camp. This is a defenite go to summer camp❤️❤️"
- Philippe Minev
Thank you
"Thank you for this weeks! Tata is the best monitor! I am excited to come next year!"
- Aurélie Jeanneret
Good trip
"Mon fils de 13 ans a adoré son séjour ! La personne tais qui s'occupait d'eux très sympa ! C'était sa première expérience il a adoré ! "
- ouazana
"Mi hija estuvo fantásticamente en el hostel. Los monitores muy agradables y todo el rato hablando inglés con otros surfers y los monitores. La verdad todo muy organizado."
A great trip
"Thank you very much for this fabulous trip! I could discover Portugal and this great sport that is surf! The people were very nice and it was also a good training for my English :)."
- Valeria Dibsceglia
Thank yoy Valeria it was a pleasure to have you in the camp :)
10 great days !
"Dear Nomad Surfers Team, It has been a great camp with much surf, sports, new friends and fun ! Marina has enjoyed it so much ! We are already planning the next surf camp."
- Marina HERRY
Thank you very Much, she is so nice, the group was awsome:) great moments!!
"Muito obrigado por unos días de surf y diversión. Los monitores son muy atentos .
El mejor comentario que puedo hacer es que creo que querré volver el año próximo"- Jaime Bravo Rodriguez
Thanks for a great stay
"Dear Josè,
just a quick email to tell you how much Alberto was happy during his surf camp in Costa Caparica . The boys had a terrific time together with lots of other teenager’s improving their surf and their english ….they also had a blast during the other fun activities such as paintball , jumps , soccer and skate .
They are already talking of coming back next year and they are thinking of France , so I will need next winter your advice on this .
I would also like to ask you how we can have some photos of their experience at the camp , we would love to see them .
Thanks again for all your help and knowledge .
Keep in touch and have a great summer"- Edoardo
"Wonderful holidays, many friends from everywhere, we feel free but allways together in the camp, sport was fun and seriously done.
I practiced skateboard as I wanted and really enjoyed my stay"- lurol
Thank you for all the organization
""Hi Elaine Costa, I wanted to let you know that Jaime returned yesterday from Portugal delighted his stay. He liked the place and says that the staff are very friendly. It was a good experience, and I wanted to thank you for all the organization. Greetings and see you soon"
"- Teresa
Thank you for fantastic surf holiday to my two boys
"""To all at Nomad, I just wanted to say thank you to you all for the fantastic surf holiday my two boys had in Portugal. Apparently the instructors were fantastic, the food delicious and it was an all round huge success. They are already asking if the camp is open in October? Thank you to everyone!"""
- Liza Alexis
very great experience
"Dear Jose, dear staff of Nomad Surf Resort in Faro A big thank you to all of you for having provided a very great experience to my daughter Claire!!!! She had a great time at your camp and is planning to come back next summer! Enjoy the rest of your summer! Best Regards,"
- Maya Chauffard
Great Times
"Hello Jose, Juan had a great time and met some great friends and instructors. Juan would be really happy to have some video of his surf. Could you send me some? He says there was someone taking footage from the water. Thanks and regards""- Mamen (Mother of Juan Roman)
The girls really enjoyed the teen camp in july.
"The girls really enjoyed the teen camp in july.
"Hi jose, The girls really enjoyed the teen camp in july. My daughter Ines has a holiday in october and was wondering if you are organising a camp at this time of the year. Please let me know. thanks"
"- Fabienne Legrand
This choice was perfectly suited for Virgil.
"Hello Julien, I really want to thank you for your advice about the choice of surfcamp for my son Virgil Aubin. This choice was perfectly suited for Virgil. I wanted to tell you how touched I am very human qualities Russo quality of his team at the managerial level of surfing, the quality of the organization, leadership ... I plan to leave Virgil surfcamp this summer. Again thank you.""
- Louise Aubin
...scale from 1 to 10, he gave it 10 !!!!!
"Hi Jose' just want to say THANKS to all of your guys there at the camp. Leo came back very, very satisfied! He said on a scale from 1 to 10, he gave it 10 !!!!! He says he definitly wants to go back to your place next summer but then for 2 courses (22 days!!) So, I guess you can understand he had a good time ! thanks for giving him that experience! best reg"
- Ulrica
A transformative camp for my American son!
"In June of 2018, I was lucky enough to find Nomad Surfers online. My son, Adam, was 16 at the time. We live in Santa Fe, New Mexico in the US. He had surfed 1 time in Costa Rica and really wanted an international camp experience. I had never heard of Nomad Surfers, but we took a leap of faith and signed him up! He did the 10 day Algarves, Portugal camp with Nomad Surfers iin 2018 and last summer (2019) he spent 10 days in Lisbon surfing with Nomad. Needless to say, HE LOVED EVERY MINUTE OF IT! Meeting young people from all over the world expanded his awareness and, quite honestly, changed his perception of the world and its opportunities. Thais Almeida was so helpful and made some nervous parents...put your 16 year old on a plane in New Mexico and hope that he lands safely in a surf camp in Portugal... feel secure. Last summer, Adam's phone was stolen in Lisbon on Day 3 and he was going to be spending some time in Barcelona after the Lisbon surf camp with friends from the Algarve 2018 camp (Not bad, huh?). Thais and her staff were incredibly helpful and facilitated regular communication until he was able to purchase another phone in Lisbon. Many, many thanks to Nomad Surfers. Nomad Surfers allows these young people to have structure and freedom; a great combination. I feel incredibly fortunate to have happened upon the Nomad Surfer website and my son is forever changed from the experience. "
- Adam Duran