Ao realizar sua Reserva com o Alojamento selecionado , voce estará automaticamente aceitando os Termos e Condições do mesmo. Assim como as normas de pagamento do Alojamento em questão .Aceitando as Regras de Cancelamento e No Show do Alojamento. Também toda e qualquer regra adicional especifica do Alojamento referente a sua estadia e que seja valida na data de sua viagem. O deposito de Reserva efetuado a NomadSurfers nao tem possibilidade de reembolso em nenhuma ocasião.
Se deseja cancelar ou alterar sua Reserva , porfavor entrar em contato diretamente com Alojamento . Esteja ciente de que dependendo da Politica de Cancelamento do Alojamento selecionado voce sera responsável por pagamento do restante diretamente ao Alojamento.
Recomendamos leer com atenção Termos e Condições , Politica de Cancelamento e No Show de Alojamento selecionado antes de efetuar pagamento de deposito ou pagamento de Reserva. Efetuar pagamento nas datas correctas para evitar problemas com sua Reserva.
Por favor entender que o sistema de Ranking para Alojamentos funciona automático segundo as notas deixadas por Clientes e Servicos que prestam cada Alojamento individualmente. Cada cliente que tenha utilizado serviço de um Alojamento tem o direito de deixar seu comentario sobre sua experiencia. Nomadsurfers tem direito de anular ou excluir algum comentario sem aviso previo.
Making a booking with us will automatically add your email address to our subscribers list to receive further promotions.
Terms and conditions are the same as the Nomadsurfers. The outstanding balance is to be paid at least 30 days prior to arrival to a bank account.
Cancellation with less than 30 days is nonrefundable.
Nomad may post random action photos/videos of activities on our website and social media sites. You are granting permission to Nomad to use photos/videos that may include your child. At any time you can contact Nomad if you wish to be removed.
Our staff will supervise the teens at all times, during extra activities, at the surf school area and surf camp area, as soon as the teens leave the accommodation or the area of the activities without permission, it is no longer our responsibility.
At some point in all excursions, children are given “free time” for shopping for souvenirs, having a snack, etc., in a designated, controlled area. During this time, not all children are with a staff. The following explains our supervision policy on excursions:
- Always be in groups of a minimum of three children.
- All children will be given emergency phone numbers.
- Meeting points and times will be established and shown to the children.
- The maximum amount of time between meetings will be 90 minutes.
If you prefer that he/she be accompanied by a monitor at all times during excursions, please indicate this preference in writing to us before the start of the Camp. If we do not receive your written instructions to the contrary, we will assume you agree with the above supervision policy.
Smoking and drinking alcohol
Your children are not allowed to smoke or drink alcohol at any time. This policy is reiterated very clearly to all teens on the first evening of camp. This policy applies to all children at camp, whether or not they are allowed to smoke or drink at home, and whether or not they are legally old enough to smoke or drink in the country of the camp. Should your child smoke or drink alcohol at camp, the camp monitor will contact you immediately to discuss what action he or she feels is appropriate in the specific circumstances.
The Camp monitor may feel that a strong warning is more appropriate, on the understanding that a second violation of the rule will result in your child being sent home, at your expense. In this case, the camp monitor will look for your support and ask that you explain the situation very clearly to your child by telephone in order that there is no misunderstanding. It is very important that you discuss this policy with your child before he or she travels to camp, in order that he/she fully understands the implications of smoking or drinking alcohol at camp.
Possession or use of illegal drugs
Should your child possess or use any drugs at the Camp, other than those prescribed for medical reasons, he/she will be sent home immediately at your expense. We reserve the right to also notify the police given the seriousness of this matter.
Damage to property
It is important that children treat the property of the Camp and its suppliers with the greatest of care and respect. Any damages resulting from negligence, even if accidental, will be invoiced to the parents or guardians, who, as part of the booking conditions, agree to this stipulation. Where individual guilt cannot be accurately assessed, damages will be shared amongst those involved and families invoiced accordingly. If they lose the room key, they have to pay 10 € for a new one.
Seguro de Viagem sera autamente recomendado para todos os clientes que atentem a Surf Camps , Resorts ou Barcos . C;ientes tem total libeerdade de escolher a empresa seguradora de sua preferencia . Nomadsurfers recomenda a Empresa World Noamds Travel Insurance, essa empresa esta associada a Lonely Planet, precos sao baixos e sao uma empresa de confianca.Voce pode contratar os servicos facilmente clicando no Link a seguir:
>> World Nomads Travel Insurance
Seguro de Cancelacao: Esse beneficio garante uma indenizacao em caso de Cancelamento de sua reserva devido a um acidente, doenca , ou morte de algum familiar ( Segundo contrato com sua seguradora). O seguro pode cobrir seus gastos com a Passagem Aerea e alojamento ja pagados. Por favor ver toda informacao no Link acima.
Para esse alojamento em Particular sera cobrado 15% de deposito para efetuar a Reserva.
Por favor notar que os precos originais desse Alojamento esta baseado em EURO.
Os preços a seguir estão automaticamente convertidos para moeda local do nosso sistema de pagamento ( Dólares Australianos - AUD ) baseado na taxa de cambio do dia de hoje e sem acrescentar custo algum ao consumidor final -Wednesday 12th of February 2025-
Taxa de câmbio atual é 1 AUD = 1.652407909383 €
Apos completar a sua reserve voce recebera um email explicando como deve efetuar o pagamento do restante diretamente ao Alojamento contratado.