ラソ・ビーチ サーフ&カイトサーフキャンプ スクール & Surf Camp - La Coruña, Galicia. スペイン
ガリシア(GALICIA)サーフスクール、カイトサーフィン、キャンプ & ロッジ宿泊施設 ガリシア キッズ&ティーンズ サマーサーフキャンプ
スケートウィーク 6月28日 > 7月4日
サーフキャンプはスペインの北西端にあるラ・コルーニャ(La Coruna)の近くに位置しています。7kmにも延びる砂浜はEU“Blue flag”で混雑せず、ローカルもいないとても良い所です。ここは夏の間にほとんどのうねりを受ける場所でキャンプが開催されます。そこは初心者にも中級者にも適した場所です。
監視員はガリシアンサーフ連盟から経験豊富な方が受け持っています。サーフ ハウスは40名のキャンパーがお過ごしいただけます。ここはビーチから20m離れた丘にあり、海が一望できる最高のロケーションです。バーベキュー、コン サートやパーティなどもシーズン中に行われ、他のアクティビティも豊富で、ラケット、ビーチバレー、サッカー、ピンポン、日焼けやヨガもあります。
サーフスクールはモニター(監視員)の情熱と人生哲学そのものです。地元コンディションの全ての良い知識とコーチの豊富な経験を持っており、ガリシアンサーフ連盟から公認を受けています。彼らの中にはチャンピオンのタイトルを持つものもいて、ナショナルサーフツアーを回っている人もいます。 サーフコースはどの年齢にも、どのレベルでもここでサーフィンが楽しめます。 サーフコースはどの年齢、どのレベルのサーファーにもフィットし、必要な全てのステップを習います。セオリークラスではビデオ分析を行います。
キャンプのミニスケートボードランプ: ミニランプはラソ・ビーチより50mの所にあります。2つ高さはそれぞれ1.5mと2mで、コピングからコピングまで10x9mです。
スケートパーク Eiris
Bowl Arteixo
スケートパーク Santiago
ラソ ビーチ(Razo Beach)、ガリシア(Galicia) スペインの北西端にあるラ・コルーニャ(La Coruña)には7kmと長いラソビーチがあります。滞在中はこのエリアへの訪問は必須です。
ラ・コルーニャはガリシアで一番大きな街で、スペインで2番目の主要な港があります。歴史的なこの地域には世界で最も古いライトハウスがDOMUS博物館に保管されています。Santiago de Compostellaはガリシアの首都で、エルサレムとローマの後に世界で3番目に重要なキリスト教巡礼地となっています。この美しい街はユネスコ世界遺産で保護されていて、歴史的モニュメントと有名大学の生徒が活気付けています。
ガリシアはイベリア半島の北西端にあり“Finis Terrae”と呼ばれています。これはローマ人が世界が終わると信じられていたからです。リアス式の海岸線はシーフードが豊富に取れ、とても野生的です。ポルトガルの国境から南へ行くとスペイン語とポルトガル語の中間の言語を話す種族がいます。この地域はケルト人の遺産やアイルランドの伝統を思わせるもの、スコットランドまたはブルターニュが音楽で使用するバグパイプなど見られます。
プラヤ・デ・ラソ(Playa de Razo)(カルバリョ:Carballo) ラ・コルーニャ 40km Santiago de Compostela北 55km マドリッド北西 645 km カルバリョ バスステーション 10km
ラ・コルーニャ空港(LCG) 45km(Iberia、Spanair、Portugalia)
Camp 1: from the 21st of June until the 26th of june= 398 Eur/person
Camp 2: from the 27th of June until the 2nd of july= 444 Eur/person
- 6 days surf camp
- 5 nights of accommodation in our beachfront surf hostel
- Full boarding: : breakfast, lunch and dinner (menu adaptable to vegetarians)
- 6 days surf lessons, 2 hours daily in the mornings
- Surf freely watched by the instructor (from 4.00pm-800pm.).
- Surf equipment in the morning during your 2h class. and afternoons during free surfing (from 4.00pm-8.00pm).
- Accident insurance and R.C
- Wifi / TV
- Activities every afternoon: yoga, stretching, surf training, long skate, beach volley, surf skate in wood wave, hiking, tarp surfing, slackline, etc.
- Bye-bye party.
- The best photos and videos of the camp.
- Transfers A Coruña-Surfcamp-A Coruña (* check schedule)
Regular Time
- A Coruña – Surfcamp: free at 1.00 pm (pick-up time: 1:00 pm).
- Surfcamp – A Coruña: free at 2.45p.m. (Transfer time: 2.45 p.m.).
- Santiago de Compostela – Surfcamp: supplement of +35eur / person at 1.00pm (pick-up time: 1:00 pm).
- Surfcamp – Santiago de Compostela: supplement of +35eur / person 2.45pm (Trasnfer time: 2.45pm).
Outside of these hours consult optional transfers.
A Coruña (bus station, train station and airport):
45€ for one person per way
60€/person for 2 pax per way
25€/person if you are 3 or more per way
Santiago de Compostela
60€ for one person
80€/for 2 pax
30€/person if you are 3 or more.
Room Options
- Standard room: +0eur
- Sea views room: +15eur/person/camp
- En-suite room: +39eur/person/camp
- En-suite room + sea views: 49eur/person/camp
Extra Nights
- Nigth between camps (if you stay 2 consecutive camps): +59eur/person (includes accommodation, full boarding and supervised surf session)
- Arriving the previous day of official check-in day: +59eur/person (includes accommodation, full boarding and supervised surf session)
- Departing the next day of the official check out day: +59eur/person (includes accommodation, full boarding and supervised surf session)
Camp 3: from the 3rd until the 9th of July: 685eur/person
Camp 4: from the 10th until the 16th of July: 685eur/person
Camp 5: from the 17th until the 23rd of July: 685eur/person
Camp 6: from the 24th until the 30th of July: 629eur/person
- 7 days surf camp
- 6 nights of accommodation in our beachfront surf hostel
- 7 days full boarding: breakfast, lunch and dinner (menu adaptable to vegetarians)
- 7 days surf lessons, 2 hours daily in the mornings
- Surfing material available the whole camp: surfboard and wetsuit
- 2 hours of surf practice in the afternoons
- 1 hour of surf freely watched by the instructor
- Activities every afternoon: yoga, stretching, surf training, long skate, beach volley, surf skate in wood wave, hiking, tarp surfing, slackline, etc.
- Wifi / TV/ Surf Videos
- Accident insurance and R.C
- The best photos and videos of the camp
- Bye-bye party
- Transfers A Coruña-Surfcamp-A Coruña (* check schedule)
Regular Time
- A Coruña – Surfcamp: free pick up at 11.30am and 1.30pm
- Surfcamp – A Coruña: free drop off at 3.30pm and 5.30pm
- Santiago de Compostela – Surfcamp: supplement of +20Eur / pick up at 11.30am and 1.30pm
- Surfcamp – Santiago de Compostela: supplement of +20eur /drop off at 3.30pm and 5.30pm
Outside of these hours consult optional transfers
A Coruña (bus station, train station and airport):
45€ for one person per way
60€/person for 2 pax per way
25€/person if you are 3 or more per way
Santiago de Compostela
60€ for one person
80€/for 2 pax
30€/person if you are 3 or more.
Room Options
- Standard room: +0eur
- Sea views room: +15eur/person/camp
- En-suite room: +39eur/person/camp
- En-suite room + sea views: 49eur/person/camp
Extra Nights
- Nigth between camps (if you stay 2 consecutive camps): +59eur/person (includes accommodation, full boarding and supervised surf session)
- Arriving the previous day of official check-in day: +59eur/person (includes accommodation, full boarding and supervised surf session)
- Departing the next day of the official check out day: +59eur/person (includes accommodation, full boarding and supervised surf session)
Camp 7: from the 1st of August until the 6th of august= 469eur/person
Camp 8: from the 1st of August until the 6th of august= 469eur/person
Camp 9: from the 1st of August until the 6th of august= 469eur/person
Camp 10: from the 1st of August until the 6th of august= 469eur/person
Camp 11: from the 1st of August until the 6th of august= 449eur/person
- 6 days surf camp
- 5 nights of accommodation in our beachfront surf hostel
- 6 days full boarding: breakfast, lunch and dinner (menu adaptable to vegetarians)
- 6 days surf lessons, 2 hours daily in the mornings
- Surfing material available the whole camp: surfboard and wetsuit
- 2 hours of surf practice in the afternoons
- 1 hour of surf freely watched by the instructor
- Activities every afternoon: yoga, stretching, surf training, long skate, beach volley, surf skate in a wood wave, hiking, tarp surfing, slackline, etc.
- Wifi / TV/ Surf videos
- Accident insurance and R.C
- The best photos and videos of the camp
- Bye-bye party
- Transfers A Coruña-Surfcamp-A Coruña (* check schedule)
Regular Time
- A Coruña – Surfcamp: free pick up at 11.30am and 1.30pm
- Surfcamp – A Coruña: free drop off at 3.30pm and 5.30pm
- Santiago de Compostela – Surfcamp: supplement of +20Eur / pick up at 11.30am and 1.30pm
- Surfcamp – Santiago de Compostela: supplement of +20eur /drop off at 3.30pm and 5.30pm
Outside of these hours consult optional transfers
A Coruña (bus station, train station and airport):
45€ for one person per way
60€/person for 2 pax per way
25€/person if you are 3 or more per way
Santiago de Compostela
60€ for one person
80€/for 2 pax
30€/person if you are 3 or more.
Room Options
- Standard room: +0eur
- Sea views room: +15eur/person/camp
- En-suite room: +39eur/person/camp
- En-suite room + sea views: 49eur/person/camp
Extra Nights
- Nigth between camps (if you stay 2 consecutive camps): +59eur/person (includes accommodation, full boarding and supervised surf session)
- Arriving the previous day of official check-in day: +59eur/person (includes accommodation, full boarding and supervised surf session)
- Departing the next day of the official check out day: +59eur/person (includes accommodation, full boarding and supervised surf session)
Camp 12: from the 1st until the 6th of September= 424 Eur/person
Camp 13: from the 7th until the 12th of September= 398 Eur/person
- 6 days surf camp
- 5 nights of accommodation in our beachfront surf hostel
- Full boarding: breakfast, lunch and dinner (menu adaptable to vegetarians)
- 6 days surf lessons, 2 hours daily in the mornings
- Surf freely watched by the instructor (from 4.00 pm-800pm.).
- Surf equipment in the morning during your 2h class. and afternoons during free surfing (from 4.00 pm-8.00 pm).
- Accident insurance and R.C
- Wifi / TV
- Activities every afternoon: yoga, stretching, surf training, long skate, beach volley, surf skate in a wood wave, hiking, tarp surfing, slackline, etc.
- Bye-bye party.
- The best photos and videos of the camp.
- Transfers A Coruña-Surfcamp-A Coruña (* check schedule)
Regular Time
- A Coruña – Surfcamp: free at 1.00 pm (pick-up time: 1:00 pm).
- Surfcamp – A Coruña: free at 2.45p.m. (Transfer time: 2.45 p.m.).
- Santiago de Compostela – Surfcamp: supplement of +35eur / person at 1.00pm (pick-up time: 1:00 pm).
- Surfcamp – Santiago de Compostela: supplement of +35eur / person 2.45pm (Trasnfer time: 2.45pm).
Outside of these hours consult optional transfers.
A Coruña (bus station, train station and airport):
45€ for one person per way
60€/person for 2 pax per way
25€/person if you are 3 or more per way
Santiago de Compostela
60€ for one person
80€/for 2 pax
30€/person if you are 3 or more.
Room Options
- Standard room: +0eur
- Sea views room: +15eur/person/camp
- En-suite room: +39eur/person/camp
- En-suite room + sea views: 49eur/person/camp
Extra Nights
- Nigth between camps (if you stay 2 consecutive camps): +59eur/person (includes accommodation, full boarding and supervised surf session)
- Arriving the previous day of official check-in day: +59eur/person (includes accommodation, full boarding and supervised surf session)
- Departing the next day of the official check out day: +59eur/person (includes accommodation, full boarding and supervised surf session)